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Fees & study options


John's English conversation school offers a variety of study options for all levels, from beginner to advanced, and all forms from private tutoring  to  group lessons.

Prices vary based on the course’s length and size. 



English conversation classes beginners to advanced students.








For students wishing to hone their skills in English and practice speaking English in groups.
We cover a range of topics and encourage the students to discuss their interests and bring their own topics to the forum, this encourages students to use their English skills and to refine them in a way which is both informative and educational to all who participate.


1レッスン 60分 2,750円


Children's lessons.




For children, we have 30 minute lessons ideally suited to shorter attention spans, filled with fun learning games, suited to keeping the lessons fun and interesting.
we start with the basics and build up their vocabulary and knowledge to give them a good headstart when they reach school and to make learning more enjoyable.


1レッスン 30分 2,500円 - 60分 2,750円

English Language online Tutoring. 






For students wishing to learn from the comfort of their own home, we can offer you online lessons via skype. these lessons involve 1 on 1 tutoring, tailor made to fit the indivuals needs, whether it's conversation or cultural exchange we can offer both aspects to help students with their English requirements.


1レッスン 25分 2,500円 - 60 分 2,750円
Introduction to English.
For students who want to learn english, the focus is on gaining english language skills,  
we teach rudimentary language such as greetings, buying from shops, meeting people, booking hotels, shopping and so much more, plus the chance to learn about social ideals which are present in every day life in the United Kingdom,
we offer you the chance to learn about life in England and prepare our students who wish to study and work in the UK invaluable knowledge before setting off on their adventures.


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